Will of William Baldwin
Will of William Baldwen of Bucks co., PA, 1720
[From Bucks co., PA Will Book 1, p. 57, on Family History Library film number 172899.]
The twenty first Day of the sixth month 1720 I William Baldwen of the County of Bucks & province of Pensilvania Being Weak of Body But of sound mind & perfect Memory Calling to Mind the uncertainty of this Transitory Life, Do this my Last will & Testament Touching the Disposal of what Temporal Estate I have hereby revoking and annulling all former will or wills heretofore by me Made whatsoever. And this onely to be taken for my Last Will & Testament & none other.
Imprimis I will that my Body be Buried Accordin[g] to the Discretion of my Execu[tors] hereafter named; Secondly after my Debts & funerall expences are fully paid & Discharged I Give & Bequeath all the remaining Part of my Estate Unto My Dear & welbeloved Wife Mary Baldwen & Unto My son John Baldwen to be Equally Divided Between them into two Equal Parts or Shares But my Will is that my Wife Shall have the Benifit of the whole Untill my said Son Shall Attain to the age of Twenty one Yeares; I do hereby Give my Executors full & absolute power to Sell & Dispose of a Tract <or parcell> of Land Ly in a place Called Hilltown Containing by Computacion 500 acres be it More or less But if it shall <so> happen that with my personal Estate will not fully Dischar[g]e all my Just Debts; then & in that Case I Give full power to my said Executors to Sell & Dispose of as Much of My Lands in Bristol Township as will Discharge the Same & not otherwise Lastly I do make Ordain & Appoint my Trusty & wellbeloved Friends Brother John Baldwen Richard Hill of Philadelphia & Joseph Kirkbride junior to be my whole & sole Executors to see this my Last will & Testament fully performed
In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the Day & Year firs[t] above written - William Baldwen (Seal) Sealed published & Declared in the presence of Daniel Jackson Joseph Headly Edward Tuckett
Transcribed by Stewart Baldwin
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