Will of Thomas James Boarman
JAMES BOARMAN wrote his will on 12/19/1784 and it was probated on 6/15/1785 in
Charles County, Maryland. His will
reads as follows:
the name of God Amen, I THOMAS JAMES BOARMAN, SR. of Charles County in the State
of Maryland being weak in body, but of sound mind, memory, and understanding, do
make this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form as follows Viz
I recommend my Soul to God, hoping to obtain mercy at his hands, my body to the
earth to be decently buried at the Charge of my Estate, and discretion of my
Executor, hereafter named, and as to my just debts and funeral charges are paid,
I devise and bequeath as followeth --
I give unto my Son THOMAS JAMES BOARMAN, a small parcel of land lying between
his dwelling plantation and a line drawn from the second called Tract of
GuiberLs, to Wilson's great Run, to him and his heirs forever --
give unto my son JOSEPH BOARMAN, all that tract or parcel of land lying between
Marshall Waiing's line and Guibert's line from the Swamp line of Boarman's
Manor, to the head line of said manor, to him and his heirs forever --
give unto my son EDWARD BOARMAN, all that tract or parcel of land lying between
my son JOSEPH's ditch, Running up his Spring branch to Boon's line, and with
Joseph Bowling's line to a locust post, and with this said line to a post
standing in Zachiah Swamp and with the said swamp line of Boarman's Mannor, to
the beginning to him and his heirs forever --
give unto my son RAPHAEL BOARMAN, all that tract or parcel of land I now live
on, after his mother's decease, to him and his heirs forever.
If my son RAPHAEL doesn't chose to live with his Mother it is my Will he
should have that part of the land which was called his Brother's (THOMAS) JAMES
BOARMAN's land--
I give unto my grandson JOHN BOON, a parcell piece left and lying between
Francis Wheatley's, and the upper line of Boarman's Mannor, to him and his heirs
forever --
I give unto my son RAPHAEL, my Negro Will, also the four following Negro's
Rachel and Child, yellow Charles, and Harry, Clock, Church Stuff, and pewter
dish and Six plates, five New England Cheese, one iron pot, one frying pan, and
feather bed with furniture --
I give unto my Daughter SARAH BOARMAN, the three following Negros, Bess, Charity
and Henny, six head of sheep, two cows and calves, one pewter dish, six plates,
Six New England cheese, one iron pot, one frying pan and feather bed with
furniture, one Gold Ring, and one horse and saddle, the horse not to exceed
twenty pounds currency --
I give unto my grandson NICHOLAS BOARMAN, one Negro Boy Matt --
I give unto my Grandson THOMAS BOARMAN, one Negro Boy Moses--
I give unto my Granddaughter RACHEL B0ARMAN the two following Negro's, Teresa
and Agnes, also one Cow and Calf and one feather bed with furniture --
I give unto my Grandson HENRY BOON, one Negro Boy Lewis--
I give unto my Son RAPHAEL, five Cows & Calves, six head of sheep, two sows
and piggs, one horse and saddle, the horse not to exceed twenty pounds
I give unto my Son THOMAS six head of sheep, one feather bed with furniture, and
fifty Pounds currency the money to be paid after my Wife's decease --
I desire that my Son RAPHAEL, should pay unto his Brother the priest JOHN C.
BOARMAN, Nine hundred pounds of Crop Tobacco yearly --
I give unto my wife Jane Boarman, the two following Negro's, Cate and Charity,
and after her decease, to fall to my Daughter SARAH--
I give all the residue of my Real Estate, all rights to Land if any, to be
equally devided amongs my four Sons, THOMAS, JOSEPH, EDWARD, and RAPHAEL, to
them and their heirs forever--
I give all the remainder of my personal Estate to my dear wife Jane Boatman
during her Natural life and after her decease the Negroes to be equally divided
amongst my four Sons, THOMAS, JOSEPH, EDWARD and RAPHAEL, the Residue to be
equally divided between all my Children--
I appoint my son THOMAS and RAPHAEL to be my sole Executors of this my last will
and Testament, witness my hand and seal the 19th day of December
1784--(witnessed by HENRY BOARMAN, Francis Queen and John Medley)
Compiled by
Richard N. Fox |
Web design by Richard Fox |