the name of God Amen, I George Gayden of the state of Mississippi and county of
Amite being of perfect mind and memory (praise be God) do this 29th day of May
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen make and publish
this my last will and testament, in manner following, that is to say:
give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Rebeccah Batchelor a Negro girl named
give and bequeath unto my dutiful son Gadesby Gayden two negros, to wit, Stephan
a Negro man and Mariah a Negro girl and one small desk.
give and bequeath my beloved daughter Patsy Perkins a Negro woman named
Charity(?) and her (?).
give and bequeath unto my dutiful son George Gayden two Negro men, to wit,
Federick and Peter and one half of the cows, horses and hogs.
give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Elizabeth Morgan one Negro boy named
Issac, two cows and calves and one hundred dollars, the money to be paid
?? at the expiration of five years.
give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Diana Davis two negros, to wit, Isum
a Negro man, and ??, a Negro boy.
give and bequeath unto my dutiful son Griffin Gayden a Negro man named Tom and
one half of the stock of cattle, hogs and horses also one wagon and gear and
also a Negro man named Soloman and two beds and ??.
give and bequeath unto my daughter in law Hannah Gayden twenty dollars to be
paid to her at the expiration of five years.
give and bequeath unto my loving grand daughter Louisa(?) Gayden three hundred
and sixty dollars, to be paid to her at the expiration of five years.
give and bequeath unto my grand son Francis Wren three hundred and sixty dollars
to be paid to him at the expiration of five years.
give and bequeath unto my grand son George Gayden Wren three hundred and sixty
dollars, to be paid to him at the expiration of five years. And
I hereby make and ordain and ???? sons Cadesbey Gayden ????
1, Book B pp 1-75 Amite County, Mississippi Probate