Will of Derrick Volkerson
OF DERRICK VOLKERSON as made 04 Nov 1752 and proved 05 Aug 1754
THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the fourth day of November in the Twenty-sixth year of the
Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, the Second by the Grace of God King of Great
Brittain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith Anno Domini One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Fifty Two.
Derrick Volkerson of Millstone River in the County of Somerset and Province of
East New Jersey. Farmer. Being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and
memory, praise be therefore given to the Almighty God, therefore, does make and
ordain this my last will and Testament in the manner and form following that is
to say: First and principally, I commend my soul into the hands of the Almighty
God, hoping through the merits, death and passion of my Savior Jesus Christ to
have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins, and to inherit
everlasting life, and my body I commit to the earth, to be decently buried at
the discretion of my Executors herein after named; and as touching the
disposition of all such temporal effects as it has pleased the Almighty God to
bestow upon me, I give and dispose thereof as followeth:
I will that all such just debts that I owe at the time of my death and funeral
charges shall be paid and discharged.
give and bequeath unto my son VOLKER DERRICKSON the sum of Five Pounds current
money of NJ at Eight shillings the ounce to be paid to him soon after my decease
in consideration of his birthright. And I do authorize, direct and appoint my
said Executors hereafter named soon after my decease One Hundred and Ten Pounds
One Shilling and Three Pence bearing the date the Fifth day of May One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Thirty Two which at that time he executed the same unto me the
one therefore he may cancel and make void the payment of the same bond. Which
said sum of Five Pounds shall be forever after in lieu and utterly a barr
against all such and whatsoever portions he shall at any time hereafter make or
demand upon or against all or any part of my estate both real or personal
whatsoever. By reason he has had a considerable part of my estate already and as
for the aforesaid Bond of One Hundred and Ten Pounds and One Shilling and Three
Pence I ask my executors to hereafter mentioned to deduct or take out of the
total share that I shall hereafter give and bequeath to my son VOLKER
DERRICKSON'S children and so then to be equally divided in three parts that is
one third part to my grandson GARRED ROOSABOOME, the son of my daughter,
DEBORAH, and one third part to the children of my daughter HANNAH DALLY, and one
third part to my daughter MARY, wife of Peter Schenk.
give and bequeath unto my dear and loving wife, Gertje, the sum of Three Hundred
Pounds money at Eight Shillings the ounce, also my Negro wench named BETTY, also
a feather bed and bed clothes, sheets of both linen and woolen and all other
furniture suitable for a bed, also two cows, and one riding horse, and all other
household furniture not herein before disposed of.
do hereby give and bequeath (grant) unto my Executors hereafter named as soon as
conveniently they can after my decease to sell and dispose of all and singually
my lands and Tenement with their appurtenances, and all and singular, my goods
and chattles that is not herein been disposed of and it is my will and pleasure
that the money arising therefore be disposed of in the manner following (that is
to say) one fourth part to the children of my son VOLKERT DERRICKSON, one fourth
part to my grandson GARRET ROOSABOOME, the son of my daughter DEBORAH.
give and bequeath unto the children of my son VOLKERT namely, DERRICK,
of the money arising by the sale of the said lands and moveables (except for the
aforesaid Bond of One Hundred and Ten Pounds One Shilling and Three Pence) which
is to be deducted out of their fourth part, and the remaining part to be equally
divided amonst them share and share alike and when they shall arrive at the age
of Twenty One years and in case any of my said son VOLKERT DERRICKSON's children
happen to die before they arrive at the age of Twenty One years (then in such
case) the sum money shall be divided equally amongst the surviving children of
my said son VOLKERT DERRICKSON share and share alike.
give and bequeath unto my grandson GARRET ROOSABOOME one fourth part of the
money arising by the sale of the lands and moveables aforesaid. Excepting a Bond
be given to me by his father HENDRICK ROOSABOOME must be deducted out of his
fourth part and in the case my grandson GARRET ROOSABOOME shall die without the
issue of his body begotten that then and in such case the money hereinafore
bequeathed to him shall be equally divided in three parts, that is to say, one
third part to the children of my son VOLKERT, and one third part to the children
of my daughter HANNAH DALLEY, and one third part to my daughter MARY or to her
give and bequeath to the children of my daughter HANNAH DALLEY, namely, MARY,
ELIZABETH, ANNETJE, and GERTJE, one fourth part of the money arising from the
sale of the lands and moveables to be equally divided amongst them share and
share alike when they shall arrive at the age of Twenty One years and in the
case any of the said children of my daughter HANNAH shall happen to die before
they attain the age of Twenty One years then and in such case the said money
shall be equally divided amongst the surviving children of my said daughter
HANNAH Dalley share and share alike.
give and bequeath unto my daughter MARY, one fourth part of the money arising
from the sale of the lands and moveables to them and everyone of them their
heirs and assigns forever. And if the aforesaid wife GERTJE, should die afore my
decease, then her portion shall be equally divided as before bequeathed.
do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my dear and loving wife, GERTJE and
my son-in-law PETER SCHENK and JOHN BROKAW of the County of Somerset to be my
Executors to this my last will and Testament and I do hereby revoke, disanull
and make void all former Wills and Testaments by me at any time made heretoafore
declaring this only to be my last Will and Testament in Testimony whereof I, the
said Testator, DERRICK VOLKERSON, to this my last Will and Testament have set my
seal the day and year first written above.
VOLKERSON (seal) Signed, sealed, published and declared this said Testator,
DERRICK VOLKERSON as his last Will and Testament in the presense of these
witnesses whose names are
also before the insealing and delivery hereof I hereunto my last Will and
Testament ask that my beloved wife GERTJE, shall have the liberty of living on
my plantation I now live that is in the easterly room of my house and to have
liberty of keeping three cows and one riding horse upon the plantation and
whosoever buys the plantation the house stands on, shall provide sufficient for
said cows and horse, grass in the summer and hay in the winter, and to have much
firewood off the said plantation as long as she remains. In testamony whereof I
have set hereunto my hand and seal the day and year first written above.
in the prescense of the aforesaid witnesses.
Compiled by
Richard N. Fox |
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